AWRI Vine Pruning Workshop

The AWRI is facilitating a workshop on vine pruning at Brown Brothers in Milawa on 17 July. Mia Fischer from vine pruning consultants Simonit & Sirch will present detailed information on pruning grapevines for longevity.

The workshop will focus on the modified Pousset methodology for pruning grapevines, which promotes sap flow and minimises vine decay. It will start with a seminar on the theory behind the method and will then move into the vineyard where participants will have a chance to practice what they have learned.

Coveralls will be provided for all participants who wish to participate in the practical exercises. There will also be a limited number of pairs of gumboots available for those that wish to change footwear prior to using footbaths and participants must bring pruning secateurs. The practical session will be dependent on weather, and the schedule may need to change to account for this on the day.  

The event program and registration link can be accessed via the AWRI events page.

Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Time: 9.00am to 12.30 pm
Venue: Brown Brothers, 239 Milawa-Bobinawarrah Rd, Milawa VIC 3678
Cost: $25.00 per person including GST.  Morning tea provided

For further information contact: Events Team
Phone: (08) 8313 6600
Email: [email protected]
Book early to avoid disappointment.

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